« 今後の行き先は?/Where does the road lead? | メイン | 新時代の始まり/ The Begining of a New Era »

目出たい話/Cause for celebration




No, I didn't get married. I just played a married man, which happens to have been my first acting job since coming back to the states. Not only that, the job just happened to be the 100th episode of CSI: NY! I still can't believe it myself. To be honest, I really didn't do that much, but the fact that I got to take part in a show of that scale as fast as I have is incredible. The episode should be airing in the states around the middle of November, and at some point should make it all over the world. If you get a chance to see it, do try and find my American television debut. (It will probably last all of a couple seconds, so don't blink.)



コメント (5)

Wow, now I'll have to actually watch some CSI! Congrats!

And yes, the photo did make me double-take at first. Well played, sir.

Good start Mark!

Like Kara, I'll most probably have to start watching CSI for this! Good luck with the your career in the US!






Can you recognize who I am?
Yeah! your friend "YASUHIRO MASUDA".
I hope you remembered me.
By the way! Now you're the star of America!!!
Amazing!!!!!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!that's the way you should be!!!
You know?! I'm your big fan!!!
Go place!!!!!

James Chen:

Hey Mark,

It is great to hear that you are doing well back in the states. I might be going back this year as well. Keep in touch. I have a few interesting projects going myself. Do you still check your older email? Drop me a line. Are you in touch with Mike?




2008年09月26日 10:33に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「今後の行き先は?/Where does the road lead?」です。

次の投稿は「新時代の始まり/ The Begining of a New Era」です。


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