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新時代の始まり/ The Begining of a New Era






Yesterday I voted in a United States election for the first time in my life. I had the ability to do so 12 years ago, but to be quite honest, I had no interest whatsoever. Especially once I started living in Japan, the goings on here in America seemed very distant and unrelated to me. How very ignorant I was.

These days, the world is facing some very serious issues. Things like wars and global economic failures. These are things that no single person, whomever they may be, can fix on their own. But if nothing else, I believe that the feelings of many people changed last night. And with that change of outlook, the future looks just a little bit brighter now.

The first decade of the 21st century is soon coming to a close and the next decade is rapidly approaching. Who knows what the next era has in store for us? But I for one am looking forward to what changes will come.



コメント (6)


アメリカでは投票すると「I voted」というシールがもらえるんですね。それを成人して初めてもらったわけですか?(しょうがねーなー…)まあ、長らく国を離れていると、なるようになれ…と思っちゃう気持ちも分かりますけどね。


今のハードな世の中では、「もうだめだ…」と思っちゃうことは誰にでもあるはず。「もっと頑張れよ」とお尻をたたかれても、頑張れないような状況の時でも、「大丈夫、まだ希望はあるよ。できるよ!(Yes, we can!)」と言ってくれる人がいると、明るい光がさして来て、不可能が可能になっちゃったりするもんなんでしょうね。

「未来が楽しみだ」と言えるマークは、まだまだパワーに満ちていると思うけど、何かで落ち込んでしまったら、私たちが言ってあげますよ〜。「Yes, you can!」ってね。

I always wait 'til at least the first month of a new presidency to allow myself to feel any way about it (I always end up being too optimistic or too pessimistic). The one thing I *do* know for certain, though, is this is gonna be an interesting four years no matter what, and just *maybe* this will encourage some more people to keep up with current events.

Good on ya for doin' the voting thing. Not enough people understand what the right to do that means. As for not being interested or following politics, I tell people to just go in and scribble something in the write-in field if they don't know what else to do. Besides, if you do that, you'll get a sticker and people give away stuff like ice cream and sandwiches and flu shots if you have a sticker.

To quote a friend: 'How sad is that? In other countries people are fighting wars for the right to vote, and here they have to bribe us.'

Please to be using this photo to encourage toku geeks to vote in '12 (or '10 if people remember that congressional elections exist). Hey, never know.

Hi, i'm your fan, i'm from Brazil!
I am 19 age and I'm a tokusatsu fan, and I am seeing Cutie Honey the Live, and I saw GARO (and I can't believe that you are the suit actor of ZERO!!) Kamen Rider THE FIRST and Shi15ya too!

Today I was search about you, and I discovered that you also made some motion for games!! You are really awesome!^^ I can't believe that you are the motion actor of Volgin! Metal Gear Solid 3 is my favorite game.

And now you made Kamen Rider Dragon Knight right?
I want to see^^
I really like your fighting scenes, i'll say again, you are awesome!!
I hope to see more and more films/tokusatsus that you appear!!

mata ne!

Hi, i'm your fan, i'm from Brazil!
I am 19 age and I'm a tokusatsu fan, and I am seeing Cutie Honey the Live, and I saw GARO (and I can't believe that you are the suit actor of ZERO!!) Kamen Rider THE FIRST and Shi15ya too!

Today I was search about you, and I discovered that you also made some motion for games!! You are really awesome!^^ I can't believe that you are the motion actor of Volgin! Metal Gear Solid 3 is my favorite game.

And now you made Kamen Rider Dragon Knight right?
I wanto to see^^
I really like your fighting scenes, i'll say again, you are awesome!!
I hope to see more and more films/tokusatsus that you appear!!

mata ne!

I'm hoping you'll have a busy and eventful year in 2009, so that we can see more of you, whether in toku, video games, or any other shows! Ganbatte!


Mr. Musashi, would you happen to know the suit actor Seiji Takaiwa?




2008年11月06日 07:19に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「目出たい話/Cause for celebration」です。

次の投稿は「行ってきました/There and back again」です。


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