« キン肉マン/Muscle Men | メイン | 今後の行き先は?/Where does the road lead? »

オンラインビジネス/Online Business






Since coming back to America, I have been using the internet in efforts to promote myself. While I was in Japan, I used to use mixi a bit (sorry to all of my mixi friends, I haven't done anything with it in months), but here it seems like a Myspace and Facebook are absolutely essential. Of course, with so many members of the industry essentially working freelance, without broadening your network, you can't really expect the amount of offers to increase. Plus, for auditions, I hear it is always good to have as much information about yourself available online as possible. That way a casting director can call in an unknown, but still be somewhat confident as to the level of performance they will see. One of these days I will have to put together markmusashi.com to act as my online business card.

Recently, however, it hasn't been my use of the internet, so much as other people's that has been on my mind. I am sure that when you read this blog, you read other people's comments that are attached to each post. Occasionally you may find a posting which is an advertisement for some other site. Every week I have to erase at least 500 of those comments from this blog. The majority of them are sites selling cheap pharmaceuticals (almost all for viagra...). Now while I am guessing that most people are not going to be looking to a friend's blog to find the best information on medical supplies, I am sure there are plenty of people who may "just check the site out." (I occationally find myself checking out the sites as I am deleting them.) So in the end, all those random postings are in fact doing a spectacular job of getting the word out about those sites. Now I personally would have no intention of randomly and shamelessly trying to promote myself on other people's site's, but as much as you hate to, you do have to admire people who can use a tool to it's fullest.

On a final note, if in the process of deleting those comments leading to other sites, I happen to delete your comment by accident, please post it again. Believe me, it is sometimes hard to notice one real comment in the middle of 500 worthless ones. I do try to be as careful as possible, but if I do make a mistake please be sure to let me know. Thanks for your help and support!



コメント (5)

Don't mind. I work for a website and I'm in charge of deleting such spam from our user comments. Granted, some of them are fairly amusing in how they attempt to trick you.

MovableType (what this blog runs on) looks like it has something called TypePad AntiSpam which apparently does wonders for said comments. The webmaster would probably have to put that in, though.

That said, 'viral advertising' (a very nasty-sounding term) is often the way to go. But people on forums and blogs have started getting really snarky about people doing that, even if they're legit and not spam-spider-things. At the very least, if you can convince people to link to you on their blogroll, that's a start. I'm personally shameless about asking/demanding it of people, but I have no idea whether or not that's a massive 'net faux pas.

Oh, and nice photo. The glasses suit ... as does, erm, the suit. ^^;



I'm Kai, I'm from France.

You are doing an amazing job, and with all my comrades from my website (www.henshin-attitude.com) we would like to congratulate you for your hard word, bravo.

Hoping to see you soon on another Toku series,

Best regards,

Kai ;)




Like you, I'm also sick of removing all those spam from my tag box and comment list.

Anyway, markmusashi.com sounds super. You really have to get it up soon, together with more interviews and clips. It will definately do you good in terms of publicity, since links fly faster than the speed of light these days.

And lastly...... can I add you on Facebook? :p


I also get ads for Viagra while my male friends get ads for bust enhancements. It's a mystery.




2008年08月08日 00:52に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「キン肉マン/Muscle Men」です。

次の投稿は「今後の行き先は?/Where does the road lead?」です。


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