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キン肉マン/Muscle Men





最後に、発表があります。アメリカの特撮ファンサイト「R5 Central」で僕のインタービューが聞けます。以下のアドレスでダウンロードできます。


When I was in Japan, I never really put that much thought into my physique. I wasn't exactly huge, but I wasn't by any means small either. Plus, when I was doubling for actors, if I was much bigger it might have been noticeable. Generally speaking, slim and agile was my ideal body type.

Recently, I started going to a sports gym here in Los Angeles. Wow. Occasionally you might see people like this in Japan, but here it looks like over half of the people in the place are twice my size. Okay, granted this is a bunch of people who are going to the gym on weekdays in the middle of the afternoon (probably a lot of them are in the industry), so they aren't exactly the average people you may meet, but I will say that it has gotten me wondering if I don't need to bulk up a bit more.

A couple of days ago I was speaking with another stuntman that I know. (He is in really good shape.) He was saying how he needed to put on about 25 pounds of muscle by next year in order to double for an actor. I'm just wondering if the day will come when I might have to do something similar. I mean, I did go on a diet for close to a year (yeah, that wasn't fun) for work before, so I'm sure I could do it, but it is a reminder of how tough this job can be sometimes.

One last note: A recent interview that I did for the site R5 Central has been posted. You can download it from the site at the following address:



コメント (5)

Cruising by and wanted to thank you for doing the R5 interview! Loved the first half (and I know it's gotten a really good reaction in general).

I've always wondered how people can handle gaining/losing weight as part of their job, especially when it involves actual muscle. So ... good luck with that if/when it comes to it. Goes to show how dedicated you are, methinks. ^^;




Slim and agile suits you best. :p


I couldn't even begin changing my body shape visibly for work...I suppose that shows how in control someone is with their diet and general fitness level.

Good luck!

I like sparkles:

I was a sports freak and weight lifter all through junior and high school.

Chicken Beans and Rice every day I was 6'0 164lbs and all muscle..Yes I am a girl and yes it was scary ....

But never the less if you wanna get big Get Beans

And soak them or else....




2008年07月25日 01:33に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「笑顔はいいですね/Show 'em that smile!」です。

次の投稿は「オンラインビジネス/Online Business」です。


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