« 誕生日で〜す!/Happy Birthday to me! | メイン | 基本に戻りましょう/Back to basics »

新しいイメージ?/Going for a new look...





ところで、仕事ではなかったけど、ライダーの打ち上げでインタービューされました。聞きたい方がいれば、以下のリンクを使ってください。ちなみに「R5 Central」というアメリカの日本特撮ポッドキャストなので、勿論英語しか話しません。聞き取れるでしょうかね?



So seeing as I am starting my career over, I was thinking of going for the whole slightly awkward but kind of cute intellectual type this time. Yeah...

So as promised, here is the first of several new profile pictures I had taken. It's my "happy nerd" look. It would seem that in this town, one of the ways to help the casting directors notice you out of the hundreds of submissions they receive for each role is to give them a picture that is relatively close to what they have in mind. Now I am not really sure how many "happy nerd" jobs I'm going to be getting, but apparently it's like the "in" thing in commercials these days, so I had a picture taken.

So while I have been quite busy this month, I still have yet to get any "real" (in other words, paying) work since I finished with Kamen Rider. Now if I was still in Tokyo, I would be thanking my lucky stars for a month-long break. Out here, though, I am starting to get a bit worried. =P Well, worst case scenario, I guess I'll have to get a part-time job or something until my career starts to pick up. There was a time when I was starting out in Tokyo that I had to do the same thing, so I suppose it's to be expected when starting over.

On a slightly brighter topic, while it wasn't really a job, I did get interviewed at the Kamen Rider wrap party. For those of you that are interested in hearing it, check out episode 51 of R5 Central. I will post the direct link to the episode below, but if any of you don't know about R5 Central, and are interested in some American views on Japanese anime/tokusatsu/pop culture you should check it out.




コメント (5)



PodCastは、アメリカ人同士の会話(しかも騒がしいパーティー会場でのインタビュー)で、なかなかハードルが高いけど、100%理解目指して頑張ります。牙狼のスタントについて具体的に話し始めたところで、インタビュアー痛恨の電池切れ!?(S○iiiiit!) 続きが聞きたいので、2回目のインタビューを是非実現させてくださいませ。


Haha, your new image is so different from the ones which you have portrayed in your recent appearances in the various shows. Good change though, and I'm sure you're bound to get noticed. Good luck!

I like sparkles:

Haha steering away from the Villain I see Cool Beans you look thoughtful U look like a Smarty pants

Work it !




Thomas Dennis:

Man, that photo makes you look really real, which I suppose you are when you're not being seriously badass in TV/film.

Good luck with getting work!




2008年05月13日 15:13に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「誕生日で〜す!/Happy Birthday to me!」です。

次の投稿は「基本に戻りましょう/Back to basics」です。


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