« 新しいイメージ?/Going for a new look... | メイン | 笑顔はいいですね/Show 'em that smile! »

基本に戻りましょう/Back to basics







I am evil! Fear me!!!

So yeah, I guess this look suits me a bit better. For whatever reason, I think the black suit and slicked back hair just really works for me. Over here, this would of course be my Italian mobster look. There actually was a movie that was looking for random mobster thugs a little while ago, but unfortunately I hadn't received my new head shots yet. At least now I am prepared for the next time something like that turns up.

Speaking of work, this week I will have my first job since the end of Kamen Rider! =) It's for a kids show where I will be doubling for a Harajuku style Japanese teenager. Which kind of brings back memories of Sh15uya... And seeing as I will be doubling a teenager, I am obviously going to have to shave off the beard and mustache. Aaa, just when I finally get my profile shots done, I have to lose the facial hair and look like a different person. Which means that I should probably go and get a couple more shots taken for those times that I don't have facial hair... =P

Still, I finally got my first job, so things are looking up. And while it's not a huge project, it is a chance to make some connections that could lead to more stuff in the future. Hollywood, here I come!!! (Well, stunt-wise anyway. The acting career is still in development...)



コメント (13)


"Nobody tells me what to do! " とか言い放って、女の子の顔面に容赦なく蹴りを入れそうですね(そんな人がいましたね〜)。

Duke Watari was (at least) playing gentleman, but this man is just an evil fellow, isn't he?
It's maybe very important for an actor to have verious images, but is it your basics? (⌒ ⌒;

By the way, after getting DVD series of "Sh15uya", I looked for you (except as playing PIECE) and found a guy with sunglasses in a young gang. Is he going now from Shibuya to Harajuku?
Any way congratulations on your getting a job.


Hi Mark. After Kodama and Watari, your previous promo picture was a shock for me :)
It's true you look real cool and dangerous in a black suit!
Relocating is always stressful (I've experienced many), especially professionally, but I'm sure you will be getting many more offers in the future...one of these days, I may see you on the cover page of "People" and get more shock :)



Thomas Dennis:

Shame you gotta shave, could be a lot worse, could be your hair too!

Congrats on getting a job!

Jeremy M H:

Here you go, I agree you look badass in mafia style. However, you've always been as cute as you can be, right? :P It kindda exciting to hear you're back in LA, it might be a disppointment to some of your Japanese fans, but hey, you're closer to me now. I go to school here in Santa Barbara, but soon i'll be transfering to LA as well.

I feel that such a star like you shouldn't be looking for jobs, but well, it always requres some effort to get back on track. Wish you best luck Mark. Just few more years, wait for me!!When I become a director I'll defititly hire you and get you rich! ;)


You look good enough to eat.

If you don't mind my saying so, sir ... セ~ク~シ~~!! That photo turned out very nice, and people in the market for an evil mobster would be mad not to hire you.

And congrats on the new job! I'm a bit ashamed that I know essentially nothing about Sh15uya whilst all my friends do. They have been fussing at me about this, and they're *really* going to get after me now.

... do you say 'break a leg' to a stunt man? Something tells me not ... but you get the idea.


Cool picture, and good luck with the job :)

The new pic just screams "Shiiiiiiiiiiiit" for me. Not that it isn't nice. In fact, I think it's awesome. Good luck on your new job!


o~ I am scary~.

You are like yakuza!


o~ I am scary~.

You are like yakuza!


Congrats on the job! Beats working retail or food service, that's for damn sure. Both pics are great, tho I'm leaning slightly more toward "happy nerd" here. But I blame my glasses fetish for that. *cough*


Just wanted to say hello. Saw you on the Cutie Honey Live dvds of the tv show. And saw you on one of the Garo dvds I have. You're a great actor I think. Keep up the amazing work and much continued success in the future.




2008年05月19日 02:32に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「新しいイメージ?/Going for a new look...」です。

次の投稿は「笑顔はいいですね/Show 'em that smile!」です。


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