« ホワイトデーの贈り物/Happy White Day! | メイン | ただいま.../I'm home... »

春が来た/Spring has come.





Before you know it, April and it's spring time weather is already here. Then again, I actually saw a cherry tree blossoming out here a couple of weeks ago. Growing up in Maine, there was always a chance that it would still snow in early April and we had days last month that were about as warm as it would get mid-August. So yeah, still getting used to the whole season thing out here. This week's picture, by the way, was a picture of the cherry blossoms in Tokyo last spring. I was pretty busy, so I didn't really get to take part in any of the usual viewing parties that happen every year, and just had to settle for a picture taken on the way home from work.

So last week was the final episode of Cutie Honey. I hope everyone enjoyed it. I have about a week or so left on my current project out here in LA. After that it will be a whole lot of having to start things over from scratch. I am a bit nervous about how things will turn out, but for now I guess it's just a matter of going out and doing what I can. Anybody that comes out here has to go through this I suppose, so I can just be hopeful that things go my way. It is the season for rebirth and regrowth, though, so at least the mood is set.



コメント (6)

Panther Claw:

We, Panther Claw will change our base of operations from Japan to US, too. At the first we are going to conquer Hollywood! The new project will start in a week and of course you have to join it.
The test word has not changed (京の生鱈、奈良生鰹). Please practice it again and wait for the next order.

...It's not easy to lie in English. (=^_^=)



「キューティーハニーTHE LIVE」は最初から最後まで楽しませていただきました。DVDもそろえますよ。

Here in Vienna we can see cherry trees blossomimg just now. I had a picnic in the Donaupark on the weekend. But I miss the special atmosphere at this time of the year in Japan very much.
Everything has an end. But in many cases an end is at the same time a beginning of something else. The cherry blossoms are the symbol of a biginning of a new stage in Japan, aren't they?
So I hope that you can carry out your current project and get off to hopeful start!

The last episode of Cutey Honey was awesome, and hearing the last "SHIT!!" was great! Too bad you didn't get to show the little bitch what you can do :)

Anyway, hope to learn more about your upcoming projects!






Haru ga kita indeed, well played... I think I let out some loud laughts.

It's hard to start anew, but eventually everyone finds his way, by any means keeps us informed about your projects, godspeed my good Mark.

Jeremy M H:

Lol...Pather Claw, I wonder what my special ability be if I join Panther Claw, maybe eat more?

The last episode of QT honey was hot, oh and, when your character is being killed in episode 24 it was a screen-capturing madness for your fans. Tits man! Tits for the girls.

Oh hey and Mark, only if you read this, tell us a little about your memorible experience during filming.



2008年04月01日 02:59に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「ホワイトデーの贈り物/Happy White Day!」です。

次の投稿は「ただいま.../I'm home...」です。


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