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バイリンガルブログにようこそ!/Welcome to the New Bilingual Blog!






If you have found your way to this site, it is likely that you have in some way learned that I have recently changed my base of operations from Tokyo to Los Angeles. As I am now trying to further my career on this side of the Pacific, both I and my Japanese stunt team felt that it would be important to open lines of communication with fans on a more international scale and as such I have decided to make this a bilingual blog. For the most part, the content of both the English and Japanese should be the same, but for those who can read both, you may find some points that I include in one and not the other. (Feel free to look for grammatical mistakes in both as well. I never really claimed to be much of a literary =)

So after about two months since arriving in LA I am finally starting to get settled in. That being said, there is still just SO much that needs to be done that I have a hard time really settling down. I need to find myself a US agent and/or manager, an acting school (which they don't really have in Japan, but it seems like any serious actor here needs to have), and one of these days I need to go out and find my own place instead of just freeloading off my relatives. And all of this on top of a five day a week shooting schedule. So yeah, I have plenty of things to keep me busy out here, but today I am thinking I am just going to take it easy. It has been a LONG week... =P

On top of my little updates on my life, I try to attach some kind of photo to each of my entries. This week it's just a box that I noticed on set. But I'm just wondering what kind of market there is for heavy duty, TV, microwave, computer, ceramic statuary, punchbowl, aquariums and how many of them could get sold on late night paid programming. =)



コメント (5)


「キューティーハニーTHE LIVE」ではデューク渡さんに悪い言葉をいろいろ教えていただきましたが、今度は普通に使える英語を学ばせてもらいます。

"All good things come to those who wait."(待てば海路の日和あり)



HI Mark
How are you?
My brother Ikumi and I sometimes watch "Cutie Honey The Live".
I found it funny that Duke Watari reawaked as a cyborg. (Spring has come)
Unfortunately, he is not so strong as the honeys.
If you will be a famous stuntman, I will be proud of you!

Jeremy M Hu:

Wow Mr. Mark. :), it's a lot of work to write one blog in two languages. It's tough, espectially after a long day bumping your butt on the cement, I bet that you only wanna stay in the hottub for the whole night. But thx! Now your blog is open for all those bilingual people who unfortunatly don't cover Japanese like me. I was surprise you're in LA now, i'm a film major in SB and soon i'll be transfering to a film school in LA, and hopefully one day when I work on sound stage, there'll be a slight possibility to meet you. oh, and about that TV microwave computer thing, dame, such a good product for the stoners. I'm buying one for my roommate.

Great news!
i;m truly glad to know you!
hope i can become an action actor too! ^_^


Hi, I'd just like to say that I enjoyed your acting in Sh15uya and Garo:)
Your martial arts training is awesome! I found your blog through wiki and I'm excited that it's now in both languages. It's always great to hear from both sides, ne?
I was watching the Garo special, and laughed so hard during your part:)
I can't wait to see more of your work!! I hope to see more of your work in the States too:)
I hope you have a nice weekend!




2008年03月11日 03:31に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


次の投稿は「ホワイトデーの贈り物/Happy White Day!」です。


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