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2008年03月 アーカイブ











バイリンガルブログにようこそ!/Welcome to the New Bilingual Blog!






If you have found your way to this site, it is likely that you have in some way learned that I have recently changed my base of operations from Tokyo to Los Angeles. As I am now trying to further my career on this side of the Pacific, both I and my Japanese stunt team felt that it would be important to open lines of communication with fans on a more international scale and as such I have decided to make this a bilingual blog. For the most part, the content of both the English and Japanese should be the same, but for those who can read both, you may find some points that I include in one and not the other. (Feel free to look for grammatical mistakes in both as well. I never really claimed to be much of a literary =)

So after about two months since arriving in LA I am finally starting to get settled in. That being said, there is still just SO much that needs to be done that I have a hard time really settling down. I need to find myself a US agent and/or manager, an acting school (which they don't really have in Japan, but it seems like any serious actor here needs to have), and one of these days I need to go out and find my own place instead of just freeloading off my relatives. And all of this on top of a five day a week shooting schedule. So yeah, I have plenty of things to keep me busy out here, but today I am thinking I am just going to take it easy. It has been a LONG week... =P

On top of my little updates on my life, I try to attach some kind of photo to each of my entries. This week it's just a box that I noticed on set. But I'm just wondering what kind of market there is for heavy duty, TV, microwave, computer, ceramic statuary, punchbowl, aquariums and how many of them could get sold on late night paid programming. =)


ホワイトデーの贈り物/Happy White Day!





So this morning when I went to make breakfast I happened to find this last piece of heart shaped bread. At first I kind of thought that it was too bad that I didn't find it in time for Valentine's Day, but then I remembered that it is almost perfect timing for White Day. So to all of my female fans out there, here is my White Day present to all of you! =)

Okay, I'm going to guess that most of you have no idea what White Day is. White Day is March 14th, one month after Valentine's Day and the day when guys that received chocolate on Valentine's Day can give back to that special someone. That's right folks, in Japan, it's the GIRLS that give chocolate on Valentine's Day. It's kinda like Sadie Hawkin's Day, where the ladies are supposed to give chocolate to that special someone they have their eyes on. Of course, these days it usually ends up being a day when girls and ladies just give a bit of chocolate to all their male friends and colleagues. For some reason, the day that couple's make big plans to go out to dinner and whatnot in Japan is Christmas Eve. It's actually a pretty huge event even though Christmas Day isn't really celebrated. I never really understood the thinking behind making EVE such a big deal, if you aren't celebrating Christmas, but then for the most part I always tended to follow the American way of celebrating holidays, no matter how long I lived in Japan. Although I will miss getting chocolate on Valentine's Day. =)

About 2008年03月

2008年03月にブログ「マークブログ(仮)/ Mark's Blog (beta...)」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。過去のものから新しいものへ順番に並んでいます。




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