« バレンタインデーが来ました/Happy Valentine's Day | メイン | 私の古里/My hometown... »

また来ました/Back in Japan






So it was bound to happen, but I must apologize for missing a couple of weeks on my blog updates. The reason for this was that I up until a few days ago I was working in Japan. Alright, yes, I did have an internet connection and could have updated from there, but I'm afraid that between a full shooting schedule, preparations for upcoming shoots, and a healthy dose of jet lag I didn't really have the energy to deal with much else.

All complaining aside, it really was great to be back in Japan working again. It had been over three years since I had worked on a project over there. One thing that I can definitely say is that it feels really nice to work in a place where you have a substantial body of work to speak for you. With six years worth of movie, television, and video game experience, most people that I work with in Japan have a pretty clear idea of what I have done and what I can do. That really isn't the case here in LA. Here I am still very much trying to break into the industry, and while it is good to not just sit back and become complacent, it can definitely be very tiring to have to prove oneself all over again.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you what I was working on while I was in Japan, but stay tuned and eventually I will be sure to let everyone know once it is released. I am also hoping that this trip might lead to similar work in the future, as I have always wanted to work in both America and Japan. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on those developments as well.






2011年03月10日 15:18に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「バレンタインデーが来ました/Happy Valentine's Day」です。

次の投稿は「私の古里/My hometown...」です。


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