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おいらは飛べるぜ!/ I Believe I Can Fly!




Yesterday I went indoor skydiving for the first time. (Well, to be honest, I've never been outdoor skydiving either.) I must say, though, it was AWESOME! Yes, I have through my various wire stunts and high falls known what it feels like to be disconnected from the earth for a while, but being able to float and control your body for a full minute is unlike anything I have done before. "So this is what it feels like for birds riding thermals," was the best way I could describe it. I'm definitely going to have to try this again someday.



コメント (6)

Hahaha, that looks fantastic. I'd be tempted to try that ... not sure I could go 'real' skydiving without passing out. You look like you're having the Best Time Ever.




あははははっ! この写真すっごくイイですよ!!

Wow Mark, I must say I have always wanted to try that. For some reason I wasn't able to view your blog for a while(6 months), looks like you have been keeping busy. I hope you get more work, we need someone like you on U.S. tv. I wished I could have seen you at the convention you were at, but I live in florida. Maybe one day you can make it down here for a con, like maybe Anime Festival Orlando, I know the guy there is a huge fan of yours, and I and many others would love to have you come.

Wow.. YAY! We found your blog!! (where have we been lol)

You really have happy face when you doing skydiving :D It looks really fun :D but too bad we are afraid of high.. so we think we will not doing skydiving hahaha ^^

*we are your fans from Indonesia* ( ^^V )

Thomas Dennis:

Reading this post was worth it for the photo.



2009年03月03日 04:16に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「行ってきました/There and back again」です。

次の投稿は「イメージチェンジ?/Time for a New Look?」です。


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